How Journalism, Advertising & Public Relations are all Connected

To start off of how Journalism, Advertising & Public Relations are all connected is to describe each one individually. Journalism has to do with a combination of broadcasting information to the public. The ways this can be done is through writing for newspapers, magazines, or news websites. A very popular way of broadcasting would be spreading news through the television. Whether it be for Fox 2 News telling us about the weather, or having Mario Lopez explain Miley Cyrus’s new outfit on Entertainment Tonight. Journalism is a way of spreading information to the public.

Advertising is also a way of spreading information to the public. Advertising is a way to spread awareness of a company/product. It’s a way of creating a need or want for people. Advertisement has many different ways of spreading information to the public. Examples would be commercials, radio, magazine ads, newspaper ads, billboards, and social media. Just as journalism has a way of doing both forms of broadcasting including written and oral, so does advertisement. Commercials have about thirty seconds of trying to get their target audiences attention and make them remember the commercial so they feel more prone to buy the product. Radio Ads have about one minute to try and capture peoples attention as people are more focused on the road than the radio. Magazine, newspaper and billboards try to be bright and simple for people to be curious of the ad. Especially billboards, people are driving at 70 mph and only have three seconds to look at the billboard. That’s why you need to have something bright but simple and gets straight to the point. Social media is to continue as a growing trend across the nation. Advertisements are popping up on Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat. They will interrupt your time as your scrolling through your newsfeed or your friends snapchat story. Facebook has many advertisements as your checking your newsfeed. An example would be if earlier in the day, you were about to buy a dress from Macy’s and so you put it in your cart but never bought it, the dress will later show up as an ad on Facebook to motivate you to buy the dress. Advertising is a growing industry that is will continue to grow in 2017.

Public Relations doesn’t have a one direct definition. There are many jobs within Public Relations. Public Relations creates mutual beneficial relationships between an organization and the public. Public Relations has to do with how the public perceives a company. A lot of famous people have a public relations person with them to make sure they have a positive image towards the public. A lot of companies hire Public Relations people to change the public opinion of that company. For example, when Chipotle made a lot of people sick with their food, the Public Relations firm had to help change the public opinion from negative to positive. It took time for people to trust Chipotles food to this day. However, with the help of public relations people, many people love Chipotle and continue to go back. Public Relations has a focus on the relationship between the public and companies.

Journalism, advertising and public relations all connect to the public. They all relate in spreading information to the public. They’re all spreading awareness of either whats in the news, companies/products or people. They all have similar ways of spreading that news to the public. Each topic, has some sort of relationship with the public. They all have a way of speaking to the public and making them feel a certain way. The three topics are a way of showing people what the newest trends are. The public is constantly surrounded by these three topics.