What I Hope To Learn From This Course

This is the post excerpt.

What I hope to learn from this course is how to familiarize myself with the technology aspect that comes with advertisement and public relations. I want to be able to write blog posts that will capture peoples attention. I also want to be able to brainstorm new ideas to create my own app. Even though my major is advertising and public relations, I’m still unclear of what I would be doing within public relations. I’ve always looked at advertising as the creative one out of the two, compared to public relations which has to do with a lot of numbers. At least that’s what my academic advisor told me. With having an advertising and public relations major, I chose to have my emphasis on advertisement because I really like being creative. Which is also another reason why I’m excited to take this class. We have a rule in the class to write about a certain topic. However, I have the freedom to express on how I’m feeling on the topic in a creative way.

I’m looking forward to creating my own app. I never thought I could create an app, and I never knew it had to do with public relations. I also thought it had to do with a super smart person that went to school for something like business or engineering. Creating an app can be very creative, especially when there is an app out there for everything you could possibly need. I am looking forward to looking beyond the apps you see today, and furthering the technology on the app that people have never seen before.

When it comes to writing a blog, I hope I can learn to keep my audience engaged. I’m also interested in learning more about social media and the power it has to create trends that go world wide. I want to know the difference between posting something that I did on the weekend and posting for a company about increasing their brand awareness to the public. When I scroll through Instagram and see a post about something random that I know I don’t follow, I always notice it says that it’s an advertisement on the side and that it was sponsored by some other company. I want to know how that advertisement has to do with public relations.

Does public relations contain a lot of technology? How do I improve on increasing my knowledge about technology? I hope to learn of what it looks like for a person on a day-to-day basis at their job. How often do they use technology. I would like to learn about the different jobs you can have within public relations. The main take away from this class that I would like to learn is to be experienced in using technology for a future job. Even if I don’t necessarily work in the public relations field. I want to be able to know how to create an app and write my own blog post. We live in a world that is full of technology. Our brains are the most advanced technology that it exists. I want to be able to use my mind to it’s full capacity as I explore and learn new things in this class.
